Tán, can be a characteristic of the object itself, but also reflects a spirit of the contemporary young people, rigid and soft, hit the bottom can also rebound.
Tán, can also be communication, discussion, narrative, is the collision of thinking between people.
Tens Atelier Studio was founded in Shanghai, China by
Tanen and Yui .
The studio provides professional design services such as architectural renovation, interior design, graphic design and product design. We hope to design the relationship between space, content and people, and even the time, and we believe that simple, natural and daily materials can also create more possible possibilities of space.
Since establishment, Tens Atelier has landed numerous interior space works of different types in different industries, and continues to explore the relationship between future business trends and interiors. Tens Atelier’s projects have been published in numerous national and international media and magazines, including Archdaily, Archidiaries, design anthology, Designboom, Elledeco, Frame, gooood, Hi Design, Retail Design, Superfuture, etc.